Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Stay Consistent...Always!

Consistency means steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc according to When it comes to being an independent artist, YOU MUST STAY CONSISTENT! 

I get so tired of hearing people give up on their dreams because they feel as though it is not happening fast,YOU JUST STARTED! People often give up right before a career oriented breakthrough occurs! Even if it takes years before you see a significant improvement in your career, one thing is for sure, IF IT IS SOMETHING YOU ARE TRULY PASSIONATE ABOUT, YOU WILL NEVER LET GO OF THAT DREAM. So many people enter the entertainment industry for the WRONG reasons, especially the music industry! They think: FAST MONEY. They also might see a person rising steadily and think that they can just ride the next available coat tail without putting in any real work...not with me! I can spot a user 2 miles away, not 1! So many people ask me to some way some how get young money to sign them to a record deal and I tell each and every one of them:

1. A cult fan base will get you a record deal (Stop trying to get on with 10 fans smh)
2. Good music will help you keep that record deal (Stop sending me crappy songs)

I also tell them that I cannot get them a record deal with young money, and that they can if they prove to young money that they deserve a record deal!

I am putting in over 15 hours a day now promoting along with acting, filming and writing because it is my passion even when I was not making money from it! 

Ask yourself this...would you want to sign someone that didn't want to take the time to build their own brand?
Would you want to sign someone that did not want to invest their own money into themselves?

Stay Consistent even when it is slow and you don't think your campaign is working, because someone is always watching to see how persistent you are...someone is always rooting for you, even when the ones closest to you are not. -tmd