Thursday, February 6, 2014


PLAYgiarism yea I made that word up lol

Why do some people feel the need to steal? In this case we are talking about artists stealing songs and ideas from other artists all in the name of greed. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about a hundred dollar bill, but I’m not going to steal it from another person to get it. First I want to warn the artists out there with good intentions: PROTECT YOUR WORK! So many people say that if you can’t afford to get a copyright from get a poor man’s copyright which consists of mailing your works to yourself. I recommend actually saving the $35 and copyrighting as many works as you can at one time to save money. I know money does not grow on trees but if you are not willing to pay $35 to officially protect your work than I would suggest you have several stadium seats lol. No one will take you serious especially a record label if you do not protect your work ESPECIALLY if the material you try to submit is unsolicited. KEEP A DIGITAL RECORD OF ALL OF YOUR WORKS. Having a copyright is essential and  it is documented evidence to show that you are the original creator of your content. Be sure to have copies of your work on your computer and other external devices. Be careful who you show your work to. This is industry is dirtier than a hobo that hasn’t had a chance to shower in a month. People pose as AnR’s and record label executives just to get a hold of your music in hopes that it is not protected in order to steal it. I say if you are going to submit your music or lyrics to anyone do so via email so you can have that proof of sending your material. REGISTER YOU WORKS WITH BMI. This is free and if you pay another fee you can register as the creator and the publishing company which gives you even more royalties. That means more Young Mula Baby!!! How do I know all of this? Because I had to learn the hard way along the way. I am an actress and filmmaker but I write music on the side for fun...and because I am good at it. Oh yeah by the way, when you copyright your material BE SURE TO FILE YOUR WORKS WITH THE RIGHT FORM. Nothing more crazier than trying to file your song with a movie form PA smh.You also have to be sure to copyright both the lyrics and the melody. I messed up on this the first time I filed for copyright for my song 10 Fingerz. I have copy written over 12 songs now among other things. Now to all of you people that love to steal...if you are not creative enough to come up with your own hit song than maybe the music industry is not your life’s calling. Have some respect for your field of work. I do not put all of the blame on you crooks as some of the fault must be put on the songwriter/artist for negligence and or ignorance of the business side of the industry. A great portion of “the biz” is business not just entertainment. I suggest making the effort to study not just your craft but the fine print as well. Be careful of what you sign too. There is nothing worse than getting into a contract that you cannot get out of... -tiff