Monday, June 2, 2014

At what point should a person stop trying to be a rapper? MUST READ

This is for the people still trying to break into the rap industry...not the ones
that are already in all means rap until you die. You should also note that
this is my opinion and nothing more or less. Let’s go:

We all know that guy (or girl) that refuses to give up on their rap career 
They turn down reputable jobs in hopes of staying at home and spamming
the right person with their music links in hopes of getting a record deal. 

I feel as though nobody should be able to tell anyone when they should give up
on their dreams...IT’S THEIR DREAMS. In order to to be successful you must
NEVER GIVE UP...NO MATTER WHAT. You have to believe in yourself because
nobody will believe in your life you believe in yourself. You have to give up a plab B
if you have one. There are no plan b’s. Make being successful the only plan you have. 

You should know that there is a lot more to being in the music industry than just rapping 
and singing and writing music and producing music. You have to be ready to pay the price
for fame and you also must be ready for the business aspect of it as well. You have to network
and make yourself known in the industry. You also have to treat people right because you never know who knows who.

The key thing to remember is that you cannot do any of this if you give up. You can expect to be famous overnight and you cant expect to be famous in 5 or even 10 years nor should being famous be the only thing you want. Fame dies out fast if you don’t have the talent to back it up and from what I can tell it is even harder to become relevant again than it is to become famous in the first place. 

Nicki Minaj recently stated that she had always planned on wearing her natural hair by the time she put out her third album. The keyword in the previous sentence is: planned. Have a well thought out plan for the beginning, middle and end of your career and stick with it. Don’t just go with the floe and never leave your career to chance. Plan how you will make an impact in this industry! Every good business should have an exit strategy. You my friend are a business and you should conduct yourself as such.