Sunday, June 1, 2014

Boasting vs. Ballin

Ok something has been really bothering me here lately. 
For those of you that will confuse me for being a broke
hater right now, please do not be deceived. Moving right 
along. I have been seeing a lot of indie artists flashing big
stacks of money lately. Showing money online (if that is 
what you think will make you more relevant) is ok every
once in a while...but in all of your pics? I think this is very
tacky. There is a difference between boasting and balling.
Being a rapper should mean more than just flashing money
in all of your videos and pictures online, and to the losers that flash
a couple of hundred dollars I advise you to step your stacks up
by the way, but for the dudes that actually have a lot of money
from whatever you are doing, please be aware that showing off
can get you taken out of the game...literally. Am I making excuses 
for people that kill and hurt people for money..? absolutely not. Am I
simply keeping it real? Yes. 

The economy is bad. People are having 
a hard time getting the bare minimum and showing off your money 
and wild spending habits are only going to increase the chances of
you being robbed. I understand that it is your money and you have a 
right to show it off...but why would you want to? Shouldn't it be in the
bank somewhere accumulating interest...or is that too responsible and educated
for you? Do you even know what bank interest is? Bottom line...ballin is when
you have made it. Boasting is when you have made it and feel the need to prove
to people that should not matter that you have made it and that you are still in fact
making it. Do yourself and the others around you a favor and focus on your music
not showing off your money. As a side note: with the way companies are making play 
money look extra authentic these days, I don’t even believe people when they show 
money online anymore. Take me out and have that money pass a yellow mark test then
I will be impressed...

In closing, people with REAL money and wealth do not show it off.
They plan on staying rich and wealthy and they know how to play it smart. If you want
to be a rapper know which ones to emulate. The only time you should be showing money
off is at the strip club and it had better be ones...cause these hoes ain't loyal. lol -tmd 
