Sunday, July 6, 2014

Indie Artists: Fans are your Lifeline!

I recently read a post on Facebook from @souljaboy and he said that if you ask him to take a picture with you if you see him on the street, he will always do it. @souljaboy knows that like any other artist, fans are the lifeline of any celebrity. Without fans a person would not be famous. If you are up and coming the quickest way to lose your fanbase is for word to spread that you are cocky and arrogant and rude to your fans. It only takes a second to sign and autograph and snap a pic with your fan, I can understand if you are out to eat with your family or something, but never be rude to a fan. Think of you being a celebrity as you working a some job. Remember the saying that the customer is always right? Well in this case, the fan is always right. In the age that we live in, one bad experience for a fan can spread on the Internet like a wild fire.

Do you remember a while back when some black girl “model” said that she had an encounter with lil Wayne in which she and a few friends were kicked out of wherever they were for being darkskin? The story literally went viral overnight in which Lil Wayne simply said “ya’ll know I ain't say that." on his twitter in response to the remarks that the girl claimed he said. That story got out of hand very quickly and could have ruined the career of an up and coming artist. I for one don’t believe an of that actually happened but back to my point. You need fans and fans need you. You need to learn how to treat fans and fans should learn to respect your privacy and only approach you when it appears that you are not doing anything particularly important. You can learn to respect fans by reaching out to them more and taking notes from @souljaboy. Take a few pic because they are worth 1,000 good and positive words from your fans :)