Sunday, July 20, 2014

You See Right Through Me!

No, this is not the lyrics to Nicki Minaj's is for all those con
artists online that pretend to offer something of value online when in
reality they only exist to steal money from hard working individuals!
News Flash! I see right through you! How do I do that??? Easy...
I go to the and look up you frauds and report you if you are not
on the up and up lol. I encourage all indie artists out there to 
do your due diligence before spending money with anyone that 
says that they can help boost your music career. 

                              As yourself what I always ask myself before I spend my money:

          Is the person asking me for money trying to get me to pay for something I can do for myself?

I understand the meaning of outsourcing and and saving time, but if you have nothing but time, why not do whatever they want you to pay for yourself and spend that money on something that you do not have the knowledge or expertise to do.

Also ask the person attempting to sale you a product or service how many people they have helped with this product or service. If they are just starting out, then it will be up to you to determine if this new product or service has the potential to be of value to you.

I want all of the indie artists out there to know that they need to spend money to make money, but they also need to spend their money wisely!


Go to today!

Also, get yourself a good entettainment lawyer to handle all of your legal issues:

Check out this LINK to The Hollywood Reporter's Top 100 Entertainment Lawyers!

Remember, don't put your money on the line!

Do your research before you pay for products or services that might not be legitimate!