Thursday, September 25, 2014

Making The Best Out Of Your Situation

Let me get right to it...


I hate to hear when people always have something negative to say about their situation...
I am not going to tell you to fix your life if you don't like it like everyone else because 
obviously that is not always possible. That is why I am telling you to STOP COMPLAINING
and learn to be content with what you have and who you have in your life for the time being.
I have noticed that most of the time we do have a way of fixing our problems but we simply
choose not to because we think that it will take to long to fix...for example...our finances. 
Say for instance we want to move to a nicer home. We figure it will take us a few months or
maybe even a few years to save up so we decide that will take to long and we stay where we are.

This is stupid. Why? Let me let you in on a little secret:
Regardless to if you stay in your current circumstance or if you decide to do something to change your will still be alive during the process...meaning:

Take our example about saving up to move. Hopefully you will still be alive in a few months to a if you decide to save your will be able to move out in a few months to a year. If you don't save your money you will still be there in a few months to a year and nothing will have why not start working towards a better life no matter how long it will take? By working towards a better tomorrow you will eventually have a better life. If you don't want to take the time to do it then you will never have a better life and you will always be in a position to complain. Please take my advice...PLAN and PURSUE! 

It may take a while but your music career is worth it...
Save up and invest in the proper equipment or studio to record in.
Your fans will thank you later...