Thursday, July 31, 2014

Indie Artists! Why are you taking a break?

You should be motivated by the fear of being average!
If you have not accomplished all of your dreams yet, then why are you taking a break?
You should adopt the mentality of resting when you are wealthy.

I prefer not to do anything that is not going to bring me closer to my goals!

I'm determined, what about you?


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Weezy Wednesdays Episode 22!

Watch the bo$$e$ Euro, Santi, Wayne and Cristiano Ronaldo!! After they talk about what they've been up to recently, Weezy and Ronaldo introduce Euro's new seven track leak called "July".

Jessie J Feat. Ariana Grande And Nicki Minaj – Bang Bang


I heard it and had to put it on repeat!

Click the pic to listen now!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Lil Wayne Featured On DJ Mustard's New Mixtape!

                      Click HERE to see the track he is featured on! #Salute Young Mula Baby!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weezy F Baby, The F Is For Forgiveness!

Learn how to forgive in order to move on with your life and your career! 

I honestly believe that when you hold unforgiveness in your heart that you clog your creative juices! 

how are you supposed to be all that you can be in this industry when you can't forgive people?

There are just some things that you are going to have to accept and one of them is that people in the music industry can be dirty and malicious! Don't let others keep you angry and upset all of the time! 


When you spend your time thinking of new lyrics and song ideas then you have less time to think about the people who have done you wrong and still owe you an apology, etc Do yourself a favor and move on...




but don't


Just don't think about it unless you have to...

Monday, July 21, 2014

We thought Lil Wayne would like this baby skateboarder!

Post by Web radio universal.

Watch how he is doing his thing and he is still in diapers! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

You See Right Through Me!

No, this is not the lyrics to Nicki Minaj's is for all those con
artists online that pretend to offer something of value online when in
reality they only exist to steal money from hard working individuals!
News Flash! I see right through you! How do I do that??? Easy...
I go to the and look up you frauds and report you if you are not
on the up and up lol. I encourage all indie artists out there to 
do your due diligence before spending money with anyone that 
says that they can help boost your music career. 

                              As yourself what I always ask myself before I spend my money:

          Is the person asking me for money trying to get me to pay for something I can do for myself?

I understand the meaning of outsourcing and and saving time, but if you have nothing but time, why not do whatever they want you to pay for yourself and spend that money on something that you do not have the knowledge or expertise to do.

Also ask the person attempting to sale you a product or service how many people they have helped with this product or service. If they are just starting out, then it will be up to you to determine if this new product or service has the potential to be of value to you.

I want all of the indie artists out there to know that they need to spend money to make money, but they also need to spend their money wisely!


Go to today!

Also, get yourself a good entettainment lawyer to handle all of your legal issues:

Check out this LINK to The Hollywood Reporter's Top 100 Entertainment Lawyers!

Remember, don't put your money on the line!

Do your research before you pay for products or services that might not be legitimate! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Saturday Song! Lil Wayne f/ Hot Boys "Shine"

       I'm gone start posting some of my favorite #YMCMB songs every Saturday! I will kick it off with:

Lil Wayne f/ Hot Boys "Shine"

                                                             Have a listen! #Classic 


Friday, July 18, 2014

Don't Quit!

There are going to be times that you are going to want to quit and give up.
There are going to be times when people try to discourage you and make
you want to throw in the towel. There are going to be times when you
question everything you are working so hard to accomplish and that is when
you will have to sit back and ask yourself what has gotten you this far...the
opinions of others or your own hard work...The answer should be you. You
are the one that had enough faith to keep pushing to get you to your position now.
You might be thinking that you have not gotten far, but in have. 

Maybe you are taking baby steps, but baby steps are still steps. Most of the time 
the reason we give up is because we compare our careers with people that have 
already made it and we think that we should be where they are. Never compare
because maybe you have not put in the amount of work that they have. Maybe they
possess a certain talent that someone was looking for at that time and maybe they will
be looking for yours next. Who knows! The only thing you need to worry about is not giving 
up, because when your times comes you might not be there to get it if you have given up...


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Weezy Wednesdays Episode 21

 Lil Wayne gives his thoughts on Battle Rapping, Joe Budden vs Hollow Da Don!


Click the pic to watch now! 

Lil Wayne Gets His 16th Number 1 Song On Billboard!

                                    Click the pic to see which song is his 16th number 1 single! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Do You Make Beats?

I have been following Postman aka Mr. Live Off Beats for a while now! Go check him out now and find out how to live off beats!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Oh you rap, so where is your music?

I get so sick of people telling me to check out their music but they don't have any official songs out! That is the most annoying thing to me! How are you a rapper and you don't have any songs out? I getso sick of people sending me youtube links with them freestyling on a crappy webcam or cellphone! How do you expect potential fans to take you serious if you have never even been to a professional studio to record your music? Now think about the impression you give record label executives...not a very good one! Use youtube to connect with your fans! Don't use it instead of SoundClound, Datpiff and other websites specifically for music! I can understand if unprofessional freestyle youtube videos is the only way that you can get your face out there, but at some point you have to step your game up in order to stand out! 

Be Heard...The Right Way!

Don't forget to like us on facebook for non stop #YMCMB pics :)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Indie Artist Spotlight: Ensight

Meet Logan Bowyer AKA Ensight!

                     I love when I get to meet up and coming indie artists that are actually investing in their career!

                          I have gotten the chance to get to know Ensight through Facebook 
                           and I am very impressed with his music and his overall style. 
                                     Check out his website and show him love! 

          He will be on YoungMulaBaby.Com The Mixtape Vol: 2

Monday, July 7, 2014

No Time For That Shanell Ft. Trina and Angela Yee

This is a new single from Shanell's New Mixtape "Nobody's Bitch Vol: 2"
Click the pic to listen now!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Indie Artists: Fans are your Lifeline!

I recently read a post on Facebook from @souljaboy and he said that if you ask him to take a picture with you if you see him on the street, he will always do it. @souljaboy knows that like any other artist, fans are the lifeline of any celebrity. Without fans a person would not be famous. If you are up and coming the quickest way to lose your fanbase is for word to spread that you are cocky and arrogant and rude to your fans. It only takes a second to sign and autograph and snap a pic with your fan, I can understand if you are out to eat with your family or something, but never be rude to a fan. Think of you being a celebrity as you working a some job. Remember the saying that the customer is always right? Well in this case, the fan is always right. In the age that we live in, one bad experience for a fan can spread on the Internet like a wild fire.

Do you remember a while back when some black girl “model” said that she had an encounter with lil Wayne in which she and a few friends were kicked out of wherever they were for being darkskin? The story literally went viral overnight in which Lil Wayne simply said “ya’ll know I ain't say that." on his twitter in response to the remarks that the girl claimed he said. That story got out of hand very quickly and could have ruined the career of an up and coming artist. I for one don’t believe an of that actually happened but back to my point. You need fans and fans need you. You need to learn how to treat fans and fans should learn to respect your privacy and only approach you when it appears that you are not doing anything particularly important. You can learn to respect fans by reaching out to them more and taking notes from @souljaboy. Take a few pic because they are worth 1,000 good and positive words from your fans :)

Friday, July 4, 2014 is the official Young Money Site!

Happy 4th of July Young Money Fans!!! I wanted to let you guys know that today is our 10 month anniversary! We have been reppin #YMCMB for almost a year! We are proud to be a great fan site for young money fans that want to be artists as well. We in no way want to pose as the official site for young money or lil Wayne. We often link posts back to their site to direct the fans to the source! We love young money and want the fans to know that they should always check for the latest! I write for ymcmb and indie artists so I might not always catch everything they have going on. Sometimes we purposely don't report everything because fans should always check the official site to stay up to date! Let's celebrate our independence and 10 months reppin young mula baby!!! We love you young money!!!

Lil Wayne Is The New 2Pac!

According to Russell Simmons in an article he wrote for he says Cash Money Records is “The best company in the history of Hip Hop.” He then went on to give more compliments to Baby and Slim. We all know who coached and mentored Lil why why would he not be the best as well? Lil Wayne built young money from the ground up sort of how Birdman and Slim built Cash Money Records. Lil Wayne is more than just a rapper, he is a brand! He can make anything and anyone popular. I enjoy his music not just for the thought provoking lyrics but for the punch lines as well. To hate on Lil Wayne is to hate on one of the most influential rap artists of our time. In my opinion, lil Wayne is the 2Pac of this decade. I say this because he not only raps but he moves the people. He is smart and capable of seeing the talent and potential in individuals in order to make them a star. I will even go as far as to say that Lil Wayne is better than 2pac because he goes way beyond rap with his rock album and pop collaborations. One could argue that 2Pac died before he could reach his fullest potential and I would agree.

This post in not intended to discredit or slander 2Pac in any way. It is meant to open the eyes of bias 2Pac fans. Lil Wayne knows how to do one thing that 2Pac did not seem to know how to do, and that is stay out of trouble. Yes, I know Lil Wayne went to jail, but he got out and has managed to stay out. While 2Pac was going around fighting people and spitting at camera crews, he could have been recording even more hit records. Lil Wayne has stated that he looked up to 2Pac and was even inspired to get tattoos just like Pac. So the views and opinions of this post are my own and not of Lil Wayne or anyone in YMCMB. With that being said, check me out on this. I recently saw a video to 2Pac Back by the Outlawz and it sounded like the music that artists do today. Guess what? There is nothing wrong with that! This leads me to believe that if 2Pac had of still been living his music and lyrics would have evolved with the times as well. People love to Joke and say that if 2Pac was still alive that Lil Wayne would be working at Mcdonald's and that is absurd considering the fact that Wayne was already being mentored by Baby while 2Pac was still alive meaning he would have still been in the game regardless. 


 All in all, I admire Lil Wayne and I think he has surpassed 2Pac's level. Lil Wayne does not write he simply gets in the booth, no pen and no pad. I love the freedom of expression that he lets flow through his music. Lil Wayne is admired all over the world just like 2Pac still is today. I love what 2Pac contributed to this world, but don't get it twisted. I rep for young money cash money rich gang to the fullest, so hating on lil Wayne around me will not be tolerated. Lil Wayne is to be respected in my presence for speaking his mind, standing up for what's right and making great music for his fans even if that means musically evolving. Lil Wayne is the new 2Pac, the best rapper alive since the best rapper died. R.I.P 2Pac.

I think that I have managed to respectively disagree with Lil Wayne haters without hating on 2Pac in the process. As a matter of fact, I think I have even honored him in a way with this post even though I think Lil Wayne is better. Lil Wayne has even said that he looked up to 2Pac! I think he was inspired to be all that he can be from looking up to 2Pac and anybody in the music industry can tell you how Lil Wayne's work ethic is phenomenal. I would also go as far as to tell people that Rap is a sub-genre of Hip Hop and to compare 2Pac to Lil Wayne is crazy because of the difference in styles. Lil Wayne had tough times and came from nothing just like 2Pac. Wayne may not always rap about the "struggle" but that does not make him fake or any less of a rapper. All I am saying is, 2Pac was of beast in his day and Lil Wayne is a beast in his day, which happens to be these days and might just be forever... 

Young Mula Baby!!!
*Breaks Mic*

Thursday, July 3, 2014

What's your "Rap" Exit Strategy?

Do you ever plan to retire from rap or singing? All good things must come to an end and sometimes that is by force. The people aka your fans determine who remains relevant although a major labor can influence their love for an artist...for the most part, they know when you have played out. Don't keep trying to revive a dead career at that point. An exit strategy does not necessarily mean leaving the industry all together, but you can always work behind the scenes and still maintain your respect. You can become a producer, writer or even teach course on the music industry at a high school or college level. You could simply travel and get booked to share your knowledge and live off of your name alone. There is also nothing wrong with switching careers altogether, that's why I urge you to attend college and get a degree unrelated to music in case you choose that route. Going back to school cam be fun to if you never attained a degree. The possibilities are endless! Just don't think that your rap or music career will last forever. Some careers last decades and some only last a few months. Just appreciate the time you do have in the limelight and use it to your advantage!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Weezy Wednesdays!!! Episode 19!

This week is all about Reginae Carter and her first video on Young Money Records! "Mind Goin Crazy"!
 Show love to Reginae and all of Young Mula Baby!!! 

Be on the look out for her album: Becoming Reginae! 

Indie Artists: Remember To Network

You never know who is who in this industry.
You never know who knows who in this industry..
You never know who is going to take you where you need to be in this industry...

                                          Slim and Vernon Brown (Cash Money's Attorney)

I encourage anyone trying to make it big in this industry to get out and network offline! Take the picture I have above for instance. If you did not do your research on Cash Money records you would not even know that Vernon Brown has been one of Cash Money Records' lawyers for many years. What if you walked right past him and he happen to be scouting for new talent that day just for the heck of it. Do your research and learn what roles people play in the music industry. 

Go to as many music workshops as you can and try to stay active!
Even if you can't afford to go try to attend free events or offer to volunteer and help out in exchange for attendance. Where there is a will there is definitely a way!
You always want to set yourself up to be in the right place at the right time!
Always have a few copies of your demo with you when you are networking! 
Drake said he had hit songs on his demo...he was right...what are you holding on to?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Video! Rich Gang: Lifestyle


Websites that cause drama just for clicks and views!

Yea we all know that drama is good for  publicity but I am getting so tired of people saying Nicki was throwing shade Sunday night! Nicki could have thrown shade, sand and ice water on me last night as fine as she looked in that dress lol...let Nicki do what she wanna do, young money! 

             Nicki has been saying she writes her own verses so why is it a big deal all of a sudden?